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Barkin Burgers & Mrs. Andersons Sourdough Bread at IX Farmers  Market

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Hot grass-fed burgers every Saturday at the IX market.

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Our Pasture.  Our Bakery.  Your plate.

Mrs. Anderson’s bread making story began in the farm kitchen with a heartfelt gift from a guest staying at the Magnolia Cottage. The guest shared a loaf of sourdough bread and a 160-year-old starter from San Francisco. Captivated by its flavor and history, Mrs. Anderson started baking for family and friends. Soon, she brought eight loaves to the IX Saturday Market in Charlottesville, VA, where her sourdough quickly became a hit.

Baked weekly for the market, and you can order the bread in advance on our Grab & Go page—on Wednesday for a Friday pick-up at the farm.  

Open Saturdays at IX Farmers Market

522 2nd St SE, Charlottesville, VA 
8-12 Spring, Summer & Fall

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